Valuation For Insurance

We need to understand that Adequacy of Sum Insured is important to protect the interest of the stakeholder in the Insured entity.
Companies/clients/Insured suffered huge financial losses on account of underinsurance. Insurance can provide full coverage protection only when the Sum Insured is adequate at inception, during the policy period, and at renewals. Accurate reinstatement /replacement data can ensure that the Insured are adequately protected in case of an event leading to a loss of assets or business.
We have proven expertise and a competent team that provides a solution for the valuation of Insurance which includes the valuation of plant and machinery, assets and buildings, etc.
As a part of the valuation of services we carry out site visits, collect data after verification, and provide our report.
We undertake reinstatement cost valuation projects for small industries to large or mega industries, property owners buildings, etc. from Insurance companies, brokers, customers to confirm that any particulars property (assets) is valued adequately.